Saturday, September 10, 2016

Chris Exline Promises to Give Paintings Back By July 15 2016 But Doesn't =

Have you seen paintings similar to this hanging in some apartment in Hong Kong? These paintings were from 2007. They were in an exhibition in Tai Koo Place sponsored by Swire Properties in 2007. Chris Exline refuses to give them back to me for some reason. He repeats over and over his promise to return them and keeps extending the date. This is how he avoids the law. He knows it. He must have sold them and he is lying.

Chris Exline is a businessman in Hong Kong. He took into his shop my original paintings in 2014 and will not return them. I noticed one day they were not there on the walls and his employee told me they were sold in a package deal with furniture. I guess someone still has them in Hong Kong. He promises over and over to return them and has not. Besides breaking verbal promises again and again, he breached a contract written June 25, 2016 promising to return the paintings by July 15, 2016. (See image below to verify) He made no effort to make contact via email or other means when he did not honour the agreement. He just ignored the agreement and the date he promised to return the art. It seems he believes he is above the law and immune to consequences. Still, he has my paintings (or put them somewhere) and has not returned them. I have many emails where he promises and gives his WORD that I will get my paintings back. So far, these are empty promises and lies. I have been asking for my paintings since the beginning of this year. Watch my conversations with him on YouTube. He is a ruthless businessman and deliberate liar who claims to be a Christian. Yet, he has taken my property. What a scoundrel. I want my paintings back. They are still my property no matter where they are or who has them. I should have know better to put my artwork in a shop full of knick knacks. My paintings are worth more than any cheap China made sofa or table. Thanks for reading!